
Lisp quickstart
Lisptutor Jr
ELM-ART: registration. LISP course with text book and exercises
Wiki Books
Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation (David S. Touretzky)
Lisp primer (Colin Allen - Maneesh Dhagat)
Practical Common Lisp (Peter Seibel)
Casting spels in lisp (Conrad Barski, M.D.)
Common Lisp Tutorial (Geoffrey J. Gordon)
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman)
Common Lisp the Language (Guy L. Steele)
Tutorial for the Common Lisp Loop Macro (Peter D. Karp)
Basic Lisp Techniques (David J. Cooper, Jr.)
Common Lisp HyperSpec.
The Common Lisp Cookbook
The Road To Lisp


Introduction à la programmation en Common Lisp (Francis Leboutte)
Common Lisp (Wikipédia)